
  • Sabbatical Update and Poetry Reading at Puzzle Hall on 5th November

    I emerge from literature festival season and an Arvon five day novel writing retreat with Patrick Neate and Diana Evans shattered, but with new direction. I’ve been busier than expected, running thirteen workshops or so in the last month despite the week away and I’ve been to so many literary events I’ve barely had time…

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  • Ebook Anthology Publication

    I have some exciting news. On Sunday, we released an ebook,’Seven Wanders and Beyond’ which is an anthology of poetry, short stories and novel extracts produced by Circa Works.  It features work by NJ Ramsden, Liz McPherson, Christine Wilks, Helen Crawford, Katie Jukes, AJ Taft and me and was released to coincide with our performance at the…

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  • First ‘colander’ draft, short story and 8 poems completed, and upcoming performance at Ilkley Fringe

    It has been over a month since my last blog – wait a minute, this isn’t a confessional. Perhaps it is.  I am almost two months into my sabbatical and have deviated somewhat from my aims, which are below: Aims For August 1)     Complete first draft of Candyfloss 2)    Proof-read and send pamphlet to first…

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  • The Writing Sabbatical

    After nine years of workshop facilitation I have decided to alter my work pattern to take a six month writing sabbatical. Effectively this means I will be working just over two days a week running and planning workshops and will be lucky enough to be able to devote the rest of my working time to…

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